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Adoptee And UFC Coach Meets His Birth Mother 10 Days After Speaking To Each Other For The First Time

This inspiring story is proof that you really can't ever know what's in store for you in your search until you go for it.

At 49-years-old, our client and adoptee, Andrew, decided it was time to find his birth parents.

But that's just one line of his truly amazing story. Incredibly, Andrew spent nearly the last three decades as a strength and conditioning coach for elite combat athletes.

"MMA fighters, boxers, Thai boxers, Jiujitsu fighters...It was an amazing career that took me all over the world cornering athletes."

He also worked with Olympic boxers who competed in the 2008, 2012, and 2016 Summer Olympic Games, not to mention was coach to several professional UFC fighters, including a World Champion. He even boasts an impressive amateur fighting career of his own. But spend a little time chatting with Andrew and you'll learn pretty quickly what—or shall we say, who—is number one in his world: his kids.

After a series of debilitating eye injuries, Andrew decided it was time to "hang it all up," as he describes it. "No more coaching, no more training. I like my vision and would like to see my grandkids one day."

Within the last couple of years, he and his wife and kids moved cross-country to settle into a different pace of life. Andrew is now a stay-at-home dad and utterly devoted to his family. It's a beautiful quality to witness, even from over the phone as he shuttles his 5-year-old to and from karate lessons.

Andrew came to us late last year knowing essentially nothing about the identities of his biological parents. Fortunately, he had taken a DNA test and within a couple of months, we had found his both parents using only the results of that test.

Soon after, we were able to make contact with Andrew's birth mother, Leslie. She was one of the kindest, most receptive birth mothers we have ever had the true pleasure of reaching out to. This, of course, makes sense if you've ever had the chance to get to know Andrew. There is an immediate kindness about him, and a sort of centered, focused calm that's palpable from the very first conversation. It feels very much like the energy and awareness of self which would seem to be a shared trait amongst many other elite athletes. Andrew is generous with his spirit and thoughtful with his words...just like Leslie. There is no mistaking these two are mother and son.

And just like that—only 10 days after their very first 2-hour-long phone conversation—Andrew and Leslie were reunited!

This is the sweet message Andrew sent me with the above photo of the two of them from last week:

"I met Leslie yesterday, and we had a great talk, looked at pictures and got to know each other a little bit. We’ll definitely keeping in touch. Looking forward to meeting the rest of her clan as well as her meeting mine..."

As far as reunions go, it really doesn't get much better than this! Nor could we be happier for a more deserving person 💪


If you or someone you know needs help finding biological relatives, we can help!

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